battery-box is the power supply of the AD-box and Active electrodes.
The battery-box contains a sealed lead-acid battery and a shutdown
circuit to prevent the battery from deep discharge. The combination
of a large capacity battery and very low power consumption of
the AD-box and Active electrodes makes the ActiveTwo the only
real battery powered,
high number of channel system. In 256 channel version battery
life is at least 5 hours, less channels offer extended battery
life, up to 3 days for a 16 channel version. Given the charge
time of less than 4 hours, continuous longtime measurements are
possible with the 2 standard provided batteries. (Battery can
be changed in less than 10 seconds. Double capacity batteries
are available for users needing double battery live.
the BioSemi acquisition software can detect whether a battery
is replaced by another battery. When the second battery is connected
to the amplifier within 30 seconds, the acquisition will resume