
ActiView is the acquisition program for the ActiveTwo system. It is an open source program written in LabVIEW.
The National Instruments runtime engine is needed for being able to run LabVIEW executables without having LabVIEW installed on your PC.

You need the LabVIEW runtime engine when you want to run the ActiView executable without having LabVIEW installed on your PC.
The ActiView window is resizable. The minimum window size of ActiView is 1200x650 pixels.
If your monitor has a lower resolution than the selected ActiView, then you will only see a plain gray screen.
When you want to go to the source code of ActiView, go to the about tab and then click on the red square. (you need to have LabVIEW installed for viewing/editing the source code)
All BioSemi downloads contain an executable (LabView RunTimeEngine required) and the LabView VI with sourcecode (LabView Full or Community required)

ActiView for Windows:

Version What's new LabView Runtime engine Supported Windows versions:
9.02 ActiView902-Win.zip What's new 902 Runtime engine 2021 W10, W11 (64 bit)
8.14 ActiView814.zip What's new 814 Runtime engine 2016 W7 W8 W10 (64 bit)


What's new 809 Runtime engine 2016 W7 W8 W10 (64 bit)


ActiView for Mac:
Version   What's new LabView Runtime engine Supported Macintosh versions:
9.02 ActiView902-Mac.zip

What's new 902 Runtime engine 2021 (Mac)

MacOS 11 Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura
YouTube tutorial on installing ActiView on a Mac.


ActiView for Linux
Version   What's new LabView Runtime engine Supported Linux versions:
9.02 ActiView902-Linux.tar.xz What's new 902 Runtime engine 2021 (Linux) Linux 64 bit

ActiView 7.07 Linux
Tools for ActiView 7.07

Source code for the USB interface

What's new 707 Runtime engine 8.5 (Linux) Linux X86 with library GNU-C V2.2.4 or later.


USB Driver for BioSemi USB Receiver:
Operating system: For USB Receivers with firmware versions lower than 4.0 For USB Receivers with firmware versions 4.0 or higher
XP 32 bit 32 bit driver 32 bit driver
XP 64 bit Not available Not available
Vista 32 bit 32 bit driver Plug&Play, no driver needed (PC must be connected to the internet)
Vista 64 bit 64 bit driver Plug&Play, no driver needed (PC must be connected to the internet)
Windows 7 64 bit driver Plug&Play, no driver needed (PC must be connected to the internet)
Windows 8 Not supported Plug&Play, no driver needed.
Windows 10 Not supported Plug&Play, no driver needed.
Macintosh Plug&Play, no driver needed. Plug&Play, no driver needed.
Linux Plug&Play, no driver needed. Plug&Play, no driver needed.


Utilities from BioSemi  
ActiRead 9.02 (Win)
ActiRead 9.02 (Mac)
ActiRead 9.02 (Linux)
(RunTimeEngine2021 required)

This dedicated file reader can be used to check your recorded BDF files, and is particularly suitable for analyzing and checking timing issues.
For an example how to use these new features see this YouTube video about: Analyzing Timing Accuracy of the ActiveTwo (NEUROSPEC AG)
ActiRead 9.02 has the following new features:
- Extra tab-page 'Value' for showing the absolute value (including offset) of a channel.
- Extra tab-page 'Monopolar Zoom' with zoom function and time and amplitude (between slide-bars) measurement.
- Extra tab-page 'Value' for showing the absolute value (including offset) of a channel.
- Resizable window
- ERP calculation

ActiTools 9.02 (Win)
ActiTools 9.02 (Mac)
ActiTools 9.02 (Linux)

(RunTimeEngine2021 required)

  All the below tools are included in ActiTools
- Trigger Shows the decimal value of a binary trigger code.
- Muter Make a new BDF file with selected Trigger lines kept Low from an existing BDF file.
- Cropper Crops large BDF files into smaller files.
- Merger Merges 2 .bdf files into 1 .bdf file.
- Decimator Decimates (downsample) your BDF file into a smaller file. Sample rate and bandwidth can be reduced by a factor of 2,4,8,16,32 or 64. A fifth order cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter is used to prevent aliasing.
- Reducer Reduces the number of channels in a BDF file. Free choice of channels to be converted to the new BDF file.
- Converter Converts 24 bit BDF files to 16 bit AC (high-passed) EDF files.
- Repairer Make a new BDF file from an existing BDF file with a corrupted file header.
- Editor Edit the ID fields and channel labels in an existing BDF file.
- Configurator Edit items which are not editable from ActiView in an existing configuration (*.cfg) file
- Equalizer Make new BDF file with equalized ABR channels from an existing BDF file. (lower high-pass point)

ActiClient 9.00 (Win)
(RunTimeEngine2021 required)

This LabVIEW program receives the data being sent over TCPIP by ActiView.
ActiView Light 900
(LabView 2021 or higher)
Acquisition core of the ActiView program. (ActiView Light)
This allows LabVIEW developers to built their own acquisition program by just using the basic acquisition core of ActiView. The core just reads the ring-buffer and provides the incoming data and trigger/status channel as array ready for further processing. The code also gives insight in the basic setup of ActiView.
Use the subvi library (.llb) from the full ActiView versions for respectively Windows, Mac or Linux.
Matlab TCPIP client
This example program written in Matlab can receive the data being sent over TCPIP by ActiView.
Matlab code for BDF reading
Matlab code to read BioSemi BDF format data files


SDK (Software Development Kit) for making your own acquisition software:
Operating system:    
Windows SDK for Windows How to make you own acquisition software
Macintosh OSX SDK for OSX How to make you own acquisition software
Linux SDK for Linux How to make you own acquisition software


Free programs from third party developers:


Matlab software toolbox for MEG and EEG analysis. (FC Donders Institute)
Full acquisition and analysis program including driver for BioSemi ActiveTwo (alternative for ActiView).
Fieldtrip includes algorithms for simple and advanced analysis of MEG and EEG data, such as time-frequency analysis, source reconstruction using dipoles, distributed sources and beamformers and non-parametric statistical testing. It supports the data formats of all major MEG systems (CTF, Neuromag, BTi) and of the most popular EEG systems, and new formats can be added easily.


OpenViBE is a free and open source software platform dedicated to designing, testing and using brain-computer interfaces.
Full acquisition and analysis program including driver for BioSemi ActiveTwo (alternative for ActiView).
OpenViBE is software for real-time neurosciences (that is, for real-time processing of brain signals). It can be used to acquire, filter, process, classify and visualize brain signals in real time.
EEGLAB Toolbox

MatLab EEG toolbox (Delorme & Makeig)
Open source interactive Matlab toolbox for processing continuous and event-related EEG data using independent component analysis (ICA) and time/frequency analysis including artifact rejection.
ERPLAB Toolbox

Open source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data.
ERPLAB Toolbox is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.

MNE is a software package for processing MEG and EEG data.
This package is designed for sensor and source space analysis of M-EEG data, including frequency-domain and time-frequency analyses and non-parametric statistics. Â In addition, the newest component of MNE is the MNE-Python package, which implements all the functionality of the MNE Matlab tools in Python and facilitates access to the fif (functional image file) format data files employed in our software. It also enables development of custom analysis tools.

EEG review toolbox (Schloegl) The following tools are available free for download:
- Biosig for Octave and Matlab (biosig4octmat) - For accessing (reading and writing) of several data formats
- Biosig for C/C++ - a C/C++ library (libbiosig) for reading, writing and converting (save2gdf) various data formats
- BioSig for Python - provides an interface to python for reading BDF data (based on Biosig4c++)
- SigViewer - A Viewing and Scoring Software, which can handle also BDF data.

BDF file-format to Neuroscan CNT file-format converter. (Jürgen Kayser)

A free, open source, multi platform, universal viewer & toolbox intended for, but not limited to, time series storage files like EEG, EMG, ECG, Bio Impedance, etc.

EDFlib is a programming library for C/C++ to read/write EDF+/BDF+ files.
Java BDF

Java library for tcpip streaming, client & server. (Gido Hakvoort)

Free set of Matlab and GNU Octave functions for vision and neuroscience research. Synthesize and show visual and auditory stimuli and interact with the observer. (freeware alternative for Presentation and E-prime software)

PsychoPy is an open-source application allowing you run a wide range of neuroscience, psychology and psychophysics experiments. It’s a free, powerful alternative to Presentation™ or e-Prime™, written in Python (a free alternative to Matlab™ ).
BDF Reader
Code for the Real Time GUI.

C++ TCP/IP client GUI (including average and FFT and short guide), MEX code to read Biosemi data and to covert into matlab format, Matlab code to read Biosemi data and to covert into matlab format, C++ code to read Biosemi data. Made by Alessandro Presacco.


Position coordinates:
Position coordinates of the electrodes for BioSemi headcaps.
Standard terms & conditions of sale:
Terms of delivery (updated October 2003)